The Arroyo Brigade's Latest Discovery

The Arroyo Brigade's been at it again.  For the last couple of years they've been rediscovering forgotten treasures of the Arroyo Seco......old paths and stairways that once graced the scenic canyon but which have suffered neglect through the decades.  Leaves, dirt and debris of all sorts have piled up on the passageways to the point where virtually everyone forgot about them.  But not the Arroyo Brigade.

Undeterred by the passing of stalwart Roy Begley and unaided by official support, the Brigade has been clearing these paths and making them accessible again.  You can see Ray and Barbara and Gary there along the Arroyo slopes often on Saturdays digging through the accumulated muck.  They'd appreciate your help and assistance so that they can uncover even more treasures. 

This month's discovery can be found on the east side of the Arroyo just north of the historic Colorado Street Bridge.  It's right where the Scoville family built a dam in the 1880s to irrigate orchards in San Rafael, and there are still some stoney reminders of that old structure there, as you'll see below.  This stairway travels down from the east portal under the bridge to the path that travels along one of the most beautiful stretches of the Arroyo, the natural (unchannelized) area between the Colorado Street Bridge and the Holly Street Bridge.

Can anyone fill us in on the history of this grand stairway and its relationship to Scoville dam?  Please send an email to

The view from the stairway landing looking west across the Arroyo

The landing at the top

An old railing

The grand stairway

Carefully hewn steps

Turning the corner

Another connection

Click here to see this original Scoville Dam dating from 1887: Scoville Dam

Here are the latest pictures: More Scoville

If you'd like to assist the Arroyo Brigade with your labor or with a contribution for their tools and supplies, please contact Ray Dashner at