Arroyo Seco Foundation

City Council Motion Approved Unanimously July 19, 2021

Motion Offered by Councilmember Felicia Williams:

o Uphold the BZA decision with modifications to conditions in Attachment B - remove conditions 12, 13, and 14, and move condition 15 to number 12.

o Direct the City Manager to undertake the following activities to help preserve stream flows, natural habitat, basin health:

1.a. PWP will conduct an infiltration study to analyze percolation rates in-stream within the Project area.

1.b. PWP will operate the water intake and diversion system in accordance with fish survey, California Department of Fish and Wildlife permits and other regulatory requirements.

2. PWP should make renewed efforts to identify and understand the fish status within the streams and seek to support its habitat.

3. PWP along with other water agencies should explore means to recharge the Raymond Basin and provide semi-annual updates to the City Council or MSC on efforts to work with RBMB to promote sustainability of the Basin.

Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) Conditions

Arroyo Seco Foundation, PO Box 91622, Pasadena, CA 91109-1622