The Stately Engelmann Oak

The Acorns Are Falling

It's Autumn, and the acorns are falling. This is the time of year when the mighty oaks in our region make a prodigious effort to bring forth new generations by strewing our yards and sidewalks with acorns.

The Engelmann Oak is a special tree that inhabits our region. It has been disappearing for the last century due to habitat loss but may be enjoying a revival due to its ability to withstand the drier conditions that climate change is likely to bring. It has a distinctive grey/green leaf with an open airy canopy and mottled bark. Stewards of the Arroyo Seco have been working for many years for the restoration of this awesome tree by collecting acorns and propagating the trees.

If you have an Engelmann oak in your yard or neighborhood, we would appreciate it if you could collect a bag of acorns from the tree or the ground surrounding it. Store them in your refrigerator and give us a call at (323) 405-7326. We'll pick them up and magically turn them into stately trees. It's easy and fun, and a good way to ensure that this spectacular tree survives.

More about Engelmanns

Collect Engelmann Acorns
Call (323) 405-7326 for Pickup.

  • Collect the acorns and place them with a twig from the tree with a leaf as well as the address of the tree in a brown paper bag
  • Store the bag in your refrigerator
  • Contact Stewards of the Arroyo Seco at for pickup

Identifying an
Engelmann Oak