Water is always a precious resource, vital to our health, lifestyle, and economy. Over the past several years, however, a number of developments have made it even more important that we protect and conserve water in our region. These include:
falling groundwater levels,
new types of contamination, and
increased reliance on imported water sources.
As the population of the Arroyo Seco Watershed has increased, so has water usage. While most local residents have done a good job in recent years conserving water, there are disturbing signs that per capita usage is actually increasing in some areas of the watershed.
Fortunately, there are ways to conserve this precious resource. Some are as simple as installing a small device on a faucet; others are more involved, like landscaping your yard with native plants.
Working together, we can make protect and conserve our precious water resources for tomorrow and for future generations.
The first step towards sustainable water policy is an informed, engaged community. This page will provide you with information on our water resources and tips on how you can help ensure our region has reliable water sources for generations to come.
Would you like to host an event in you neighborhood regarding water quality and water conservation in the Arroyo Seco? Contact the Stewards of the Arroyo Seco:Watershed Coordinator to schedule your program!
Like much of Southern California, the communities of the Arroyo Seco depend on various sources for our water supply. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) supplies water wholesale to half of California's population, including our region. MWD posts regular updates on storage levels for California's two most vital water resources: the State Water Project (Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta) and the Colorado River Aqueduct.
Located in on of the world's five mediterranean climate zones, the Arroyo Seco, like much of California, is characterized by months of dry weather punctuated by short, wet rainy seasons. Years of drought are not uncommon, and global climate change is sure to reslt in more frequent, intense dry periods. The burden that this places on our water supply and local biology is immense, and reducing your contribution to its effects is vital. Conservation is key!
The U.S. Drought Monitor provides weekly updates on drought at national and local levels. Click on the map above to learn about our current drought status.