How to Fix Pasadena's Water Plan
Here's How the City Council and the Community Can Fix it:
- Conduct a comprehensive hydrological assessment of the safe yield of the Raymond Basin and commit to a program that will stabilize and replenish the groundwater levels;
- Develop a comprehensive conservation strategy that emphasizes reducing outdoor water use and wasteful or less-valuable uses of water;
- Ensure that PWP recognizes its environmental responsibility and becomes a steward of the Arroyo Seco and the Raymond Groundwater Basin;
- Foster Landscape Transformation in our city, based on native plants that use remarkably little water and have immense biodiversity benefits;
- Utilize conservation-based rates and incentives to reinforce water resiliency goals; develop a budget-based system for homes and businesses that will ease customers through the transition from the era of cheap water;
- Develop partnership programs with RBMB, MWD and other local water agencies for conservation, groundwater management, storage and transfers;
- Expand public input and draw the public into helping solve the crisis in an active way.
Pasadena can no longer be complacent and take water for granted. The era of cheap water has passed, and now everyone needs to pitch in to solve the water challenge. This can be our most important local response to Climate Change.
Let the River Flow — Heal the Basin