Soccer or Open Space in Hahamongna???

Hahamongna Watershed Park

June 6, 2005 -- The soccer fields in Hahamongna are back in the news again.  In a last minute effort to sweeten the pot for Pasadena in the National Football League negotiations, city officials proposed adding funding for the fields to the package of goodies requested from the NFL in exchange for the Rose Bowl.

But does Pasadena really need more soccer fields at all, let alone at the expense of the beautiful nature area in Hahamongna Watershed Park? The answer, according to a recent survey conducted for Pasadena, is a resounding No!   Only three percent of Pasadena families identify a need for additional soccer fields, while hiking, walking and open space activities emerge as the most popular recreational activities in Pasadena.

The “Recreation Needs Assessment Survey” was prepared by Research Network, Ltd of Mission Viejo for the City of Pasadena and released in March of this year. A total of 450 comprehensive interviews of Pasadena families were conducted. The margin of error ranges from 2.0-4.7%.

The survey reported that the most popular recreational activities in Pasadena in the last year have been Walking/Jogging/Running (76%) and the use of Trails or Open Space (67%). Soccer (12%) lagged behind other activities such as special events (64%) picnicking (58%), bicycling (38%) and a variety of other park uses.

The most popular family programs were general park use (32%) and hiking/walking (22%), with soccer trailing far behind at 5%.

Survey participants were also asked about what recreation facilities Pasadena needs.  Twenty six percent replied that no additional facilities are needed.  Nine percent wanted additional bicycling or jogging paths.  Seven percent desired a swimming pool.  Only 3% mentioned soccer fields, the same as golf courses, a performing arts center, outdoor basket courts, and tennis courts.

Another key question asked Pasadenans was what single recreation program they most wanted to see established.  Again soccer came in at a measly 2%, trailing “none,” music, outdoor concerts, arts and crafts, swimming and more parks.  Yoga, dance and seasonal fairs tied with soccer.

Given the high level of participation in hiking, walking, trail use and the low demand for soccer fields, it would be especially ironic to site additional soccer fields in Pasadena’s premier nature and open space park, Hahamongna Watershed Park

You can read the “Recreation Needs Assessment Survey” by clicking on this link:


Arroyo Seco Foundation, PO Box 91622, Pasadena, CA 91109-1622 (323) 405-7326