Condos Creep Down Into the Arroyo

Arroyo houses

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this will be a long essay on the latest assault on the natural character of the Arroyo Seco. Condos are now creeping down the Arroyo Seco slopes and invading the space beneath the Colorado Street Bridge that was once a natural, undeveloped gateway to the Arroyo.

Arroyo houses

This is one of the main entrances into the Arroyo, but the natural character has now been destroyed.

Arroyo houses

Have you seen the wonderful paintings and postcards of the Colorado Street Bridge and the scenic Vista Arroyo Hotel in the background? All that has now been blocked by development in an area that should have been left open space.

Arroyo houses

The condos were a concession to the developer in exchange for preserving the bungalows up the hill, but what about protecting the natural character of the Arroyo or the picturesque views of the bridge and the hotel? Apparently, they didn't matter.

(photo credit: Charley Kohlhase)

Take Action

We urge you to let your elected officials know what you think about this new incursion into the Arroyo.

Mayor William Bogaard

Council Member Steve Madison