A Salute to Arroyo Volunteers

The Arroyo Brigade

They've got to be the most energetic volunteers -- the Arroyo Brigade.  Ray Dashner and Roy Begley first began cleaning the stately Colorado Street Bridge regularly back 1993, but now they been joined by Gary Cowles and Barbara Dahn in an even more ambitious project.  

They have been unearthing old trails and paths up and down the Lower Arroyo. They've been clearing mud and plant debris away and reviving the spectacular natural beauty of the Arroyo..

The Arroyo Seco Foundation salutes Ray, Roy, Barbara and Gary for unearthing these treasures and re-creating wonderful access points into the Arroyo.

The first restored trail is just north of the area where the original Busch Gardens once graced the Lower Arroyo.  Check out Ray Dashner's wonderful website that tells the story of the original Busch Garden's and the project to restore the trail. It's a delightful depiction of the Arroyo past and present.  And view the other links below for additional projects.

With great regret, we note the passing of Arroyo Brigade stalwart Roy Begley.

Here's the latest


What Is the Arroyo Brigade? New Old Stairway | Forgotten Trail | Scoville Dam | Roy Begley - RIP | San Rafael Bridge Staircase | Pulling Up Stakes | Newest Volunteers | Honorary Member | Under the Colorado Street Bridge | Up the Slope Tour Busch Gardens