The Arroyo Verde Awards recognize those who have made a valuable contribution to protecting and improving the Arroyo Seco watershed and neighboring communities during the past year.
You can nominate a deserving party by indicating your favorite choice for any or all of the awards here by November 30, 2016. Nominees will be considered by the Arroyo Verde Awards Committee. The awards will be presented at the CASO holiday celebration in December.
Best Advocacy - To the individual who has made the best contribution in improving policy, programs or funding for the Arroyo.
Greening the Arroyo (Organization) - For the organization that has made the biggest difference in improving the environment in the Arroyo.
Greening the Arroyo (Agency) - To the city or governmental agency that has demonstrated outstaning leaderhip in the stewardship of the Arroyo.
Greening the Arroyo (Business) - To the business or commercial association that has contributed the most to the enhancement of the Arroyo.
Best Volunteer - To an individual who has improved the Arroyo through consistent, dedicated physical labor throughout the year.
Citizen Activist - To an individual who has shown leadership and mobilized others to improve the Arroyo.
Public Official - To an elected or appointed official or govenmental employee who has make an outstanding contribution to the protection and promotion of the Arroyo Seco.
Lifetime Achievement - This award, which is not given every year, is granted to an individual who has devoted considerable energy and enthusiasm to protecting and promoting the Arroyo over many years.