Winged creatures are abundant throughout the Arroyo Seco watershed, as it streteches about 22 miles from its headwaters at Red Box in the San Gabriel Mountains to its confluence with the Los Angeles River. The Arroyo Seco passes by or through Switzer's campground, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Hahamongna Watershed Park, Brookside Golf Course, the Rose Bowl, Lower Arroyo Seco Park, and Debs Regional Park offering widely divergent habitat, including coniferous and deciduous forest, chaparral, oak woodland, riparian, pond, rivers and streams, eucalyptus groves, and manicured parks.
The Pasadena Audubon Society has prepared a list of more than 180 species that shows all the birds that have been seen in the Arroyo Seco, including those of historical significance. Birders should be aware that the abundance codes are for birds in proper habitat. Thus, to find a Mountain Quail one must search the conifer forest or chaparral of the upper Arroyo headwaters above 1000 feet, while a Killdeer may be found on wet lawns or stream channels along the lower Arroyo.
Good birding! And if you see a bird not on this list, please contact the Pasadena Audubon Society.
These birds are key indicators of the health of various habitat zones in the Arroyo Seco.
Riparian: Yellow Warbler
Oak/Walnut: Oak Titmouse
Scrub: Spotted Towhee